
you still protected when the phone lines are
Unfortunately, the security systems you've
invested in may not provide the protection
you need if telephone service is interrupted.
reliable backup communication meant installing
expensive leased telephone lines. Now security
command offers Secure-Com, an affordable
cellular communications option.
Are you still protected when the phone lines
are down? Unfortunately, the security systems
you've invested in may not provide the protection
you need if telephone service is interrupted.
Previously, reliable backup communication
meant installing expensive leased telephone
lines. Now security command offers Secure-Com,
an affordable cellular communications option.
The Secure-Com system uses cellular
telephone equipment from Motorola, a leading
manufacturer of cellular products, fro use
with Security Command control panels. Unlike
standard telephone wire lines, which are often
easy for even the least sophisticated burglar
to cut, Secure-Com uses extremely reliable
cellular networks. And Secure-Com backup
communication provides no line for the burglar
to cut!
Member Georgia Burglar & Fire Alarm Association
Member National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association
Local 24-Hour Monitoring & Central Station
Local, Family-Owned Since 1968